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Channel Performance Strategies from Industry Luminaries

April 14, 2020

By Jim Holland, Senior Product Marketing Manager

At the recent Rainmaker 20 Live conference, Larry Walsh, CEO and Chief Analyst for the 2112 Group led a channel performance strategies round table with representatives from leading high-tech companies.

Introducing the focus of the round table, Larry stated that in recent 2112 research, “One in four channel professionals struggle to define the value of their programs. Those mechanisms that stimulate activities among partners to get results in revenue.”

In this free-flowing discussion, Larry is joined by Shane Quigley, Director Business Operations for Seagate and John Stage, Business Intelligence from AMD. Each of the panelist provide real-world experience and candid insights into:

  • How you define channel performance?
  • How companies source the data to reflect how well programs are performing?
  • How to use this information to build better programs?

This highly engaging discussion brings several recommendations for high-tech and semiconductor companies to consider in their channel strategies.

To learn how you can plan for these channel strategies and add real insights from the panelist, go here. To learn how Model N can improve your channel performance and knowledge, go here. To learn more about the 2112 Group, go here.


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