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High Tech Leaders Discuss Gaining Partner Mindshare

May 27, 2020

By Jim Holland, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

In these rapidly changing times, channel partners and companies are desperately juggling issues and priorities associated with business, customers, payments and incentives. This makes it harder than ever to gain continued partner mindshare.

Join Channel Focus as they host Chanan Greenberg, SVP & GM High Tech, Kenneth Fox, CEO of Channel Mechanics, Heather Margolis, Chairperson & Founder, ChannelMaven and Kristine Stewart, VP, Client Success & Marketing for Channel Impact as they discuss practical tips and strategies that vendors are successfully using to gain attention from their partners.


In the webinar, you will hear and learn:

  • Specific tactics that are gaining partner attention in today’s business climate
  • Key messaging that resonates with partners today
  • How to ensure the right message reaches the right person in your partners organizations
  • Real examples of out of the box thinking that partners are responding to

Partner communications has never been easy and in today’s rapidly changing situation our panelists will provide invaluable insights into the strategy and tactics that are helping them break through the messaging cloud.

To register for this no-cost webinar, go here. To learn more about how Model N addresses the challenges of today’s partner channels, go here.

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