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Is Your Pricing Profitable and Are Your Channel Relationships Growing? Test Yourself

December 1, 2020

Jim Holland, Sr. Product Marketing Manager 

Did you know the average high-tech manufacturer grows around 6 – 7% a year? But today, they’re likely leaving 3 – 5% of revenue on the table.  Why?

Because pricing isn’t as simple as it used to be, and global channels are more complex than ever. In this current business climate with multiple pricing variables, shifting market trends, competitive pressures, and various regions, channel partners and business models must be considered and combined with infinite end-customer price points. 

Compounding this complexity is the use of siloed or outdated systems to manage incentives, rebates, chargebacks, and channel data. These approaches to executing revenue and channel success are filled with manual processes, complicated spreadsheets, and patchwork point solutions that guarantee inaccuracies and keep companies from making better pricing decisions or improving their channel relationships. 

Some manufacturers have given up control and are unable to effectively see and use their data to identify where they are losing revenue or increasing their risk of commercial or government penalties by using third-party outsourcing.  

Couple all these challenges with new business-to-business market realities and you can clearly see why it’s become harder than ever for companies to execute revenue. 

Are there areas where your pricing profitability and channel growth need improvement, but not sure where to start?

In Model N’s new High-Tech Buyer’s Guide for Revenue Execution, you can assess how well your organization is doing and learn about the positive impacts better revenue and channel management can have on your business. You’ll also get the information you need to make an informed decision when choosing tools and vendors to help. 

To read the buyer’s guide and take the assessmentgo hereTo learn more about Model N, click here. 

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