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Optimizing Your Channel Partners Journey

by Jim Holland , Sr. Product Marketing Manager March 29, 2021

What does it take to optimize the journey of your channel? With the pressures of broadening channels, more channel sales leaders are asking this question.

Working with Forrester Consulting, Model N commissioned a study of 200+ senior leaders responsible for revenue management and channel strategy in high-tech manufacturing and B2B software companies. The feedback into the state of channel processes and the critical barriers to optimizing sales provide new insights into how high tech companies can improve channel velocity.

“While decision-makers understand that they must optimize partner experience (PX) to enhance channel operations and programs, most firms have ample room to improve integration and information flow across their partners’ journeys. Fewer than half of decision-makers believe their organization is very effective at optimizing any single stage of the partner journey.” shared the Forrester findings.

When asked, “How effective is your organization at optimizing the following stages of the partner journey, on-boarding was highest with 41%. This was followed by lower percentages across the board for key areas in managing partner journey and success.

What does your organization need to optimize the journey for partners? 

Download and read the complete Forrester Opportunity Snapshot for free to see the complete picture. To learn more about how Model N and its partner, Channel Impact can optimize your channel’s performance, click here. To speak with a channel performance subject matter expert, go here.

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