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What Will Impact Revenue in 2021? – High Tech State of Revenue Webinar

April 13, 2021

Jim Holland, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

What will 2021 and beyond bring for high-tech companies? Model N commissioned our annual survey with Dimensional Research and engaged with 300 C-level executives who are directly responsible for revenue management.

What were the critical findings and insights and what should high-tech companies be prepared for? 

Join Chanan Greenberg, SVP and GM High Tech at Model N and  Larry Walsh, CEO of Channelnomics, and Mark Stiving, Chief Pricing Educator, Impact Pricing as they review and discuss the 2021 State of Revenue Report and how executives should approach revenue management and the explosion of channels in the next year or so in the live event.

In this interactive panel and you will gain key insights from the 2021 State of Revenue Report to be prepared for:

  • Regulatory change under the new administration
  • Global pricing-related challenges and how to address them
  • Impact of technology on revenue activities
  • Expected business results from better revenue management

To register for this no-cost webinar to be held May 5, go here. To learn more about Channelnomics strategic offering, click here. To know what Impact Pricing offers, go here. To learn how Model N can assist you in your revenue management journey, go here.

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