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3 Key Channel Performance Takeaways

by Jim Holland August 23, 2021

Recently, Model N was joined by several featured guests as they discussed channel partner performance, the impact of channel data, and how these influence operational efficiency, revenue, and profitability. Larry Walsh, CEO and Chief Analyst from Channelnomics, and Larry McDonough, Senior Program Manager from Panduit, and Model N  shared three key takeaways for improving channel performance.

Three Channel Takeaways

  • Takeaway #1 – “Data Accessibility is one problem. The quality of the data, who owns it, where is it and who’s willing to give it up as well as organizational systems and the political side” are challenges shared, Larry Walsh
  • Takeaway #2 – Trends – “Many channel managers aren’t looking at what the data is telling them. Are their products shifts and trends” commented Gloria Kee
  • Takeaway #3 – Managing Growth – “How do you manage the overall growth. Our research tells us that the average channel partner will grow their revenue 11-20%. How do vendors effectively get deeper into the channel to expand growth” shared Walsh.

To hear the complete webinar, more insights, and recommendations, go here. To learn more about Model N’s Channel Data Management, click here

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