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How Supply Chain Shortages are Impacting the Channel

by Jim Holland December 1, 2021

Recently, Model N’s Chanan Greenberg, SVP Corporate Strategy addressed the impact of shortages in the supply chain with Channel Journeys Rob Spee. In his role and interaction with numerous high tech customers in the past year, Chanan discussed what is causing technology supply chain shortages, price escalations, the impact on channels, and what high tech companies should be planning for 2022.

While the pandemic has driven higher consumption in 2021, it was thought that consumption would decrease and manufacturers and suppliers adjusted their businesses accordingly only to see shortages emerge more quickly.

These shortages have added new pressures on high tech manufacturers, channel sales, and channel partners with more scrutiny coming from the CFO, finance and other areas of the business.

For channel chiefs and those who lead channel sales, Chanan highlighted three areas having a significant impact heading into 2022.

  1. Enabling your channel – Channel sales should expect more price changes than in the past and companies need to be able to pivot instantly, not in days or weeks. Channel leaders should be equipped and ready with the insights, and information to communicate changes to partners in order to maintain channel success.
  2. Guiding the channel – Letting partners know what are your priorities and how it aligns with downstream customers is key. As manufacturers have created incentive programs in the past to drive channel behavior based on performance, volume, and other methods, do you have the right strategies and value-based plan in place?
  3. Financial control scrutiny – CFOs are asking more questions about the ROI and value of incentives and rebates in the channel. As a channel sales leader can you answer these questions with real-time and reliable information to justify your efforts?

To listen to the complete podcast and learn more, go here. To learn how Model N can improve your channel success, click here. To hear from industry luminaries, join Model N’s Rainmaker 22 conference, start here.



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