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Let’s Talk Transparently About State Price Transparency

by Kyle Forcier, Model N July 22, 2022

Rising drug prices and their associated impacts have led more than 20 states to propose and pass legislation to increase visibility into drug pricing. But since each state has its own requirements for what, when, and how to report, pharmaceutical manufacturers struggle with operational challenges and face increasing risk of fines for non-compliance. According to the executives surveyed for the Model N 2022 State of Revenue Report, 81% are worried about complying with state and federal regulations, and 60% expect managing compliance to become even more difficult in the coming year.

The ever-changing landscape, combined with the lack of consistent regulations across the states, is likely the source of this continued angst. But these compliance issues can also have substantial impacts on revenue and market growth.

Model N is here to help. Join us and our special guests from Global Pricing Innovations (GPI) and Pfizer for a series of 30-minute webinars, where we’ll talk about the ins and outs of navigating the ever-changing environment of state drug transparency mandates. We’ll discuss trends, best practices, and innovative approaches for ensuring compliance.

  • The Truth About Transparency: What’s Happening on the State Level? | August 16 at 8 a.m. PT
    Gain a better understanding of the regulatory environment and associated operational and compliance-related challenges. You’ll also see a demo of Model N Price Transparency Management, our purpose-built solution that streamlines reporting and mitigates risk of non-compliance. Register today.
  • The Importance of Automating Treatment Data | August 30 at 8 a.m. PT
    Discover ways to streamline the process of providing cost of treatment data to requesting states. You’ll see how automation makes calculating and maintaining 30-day and annual wholesale acquisition cost data more accurate and less time-consuming. Register today.
  • How Pfizer Conquered the Challenges of Transparency Reporting | September 13 at 8 a.m. PT
    Learn how Pfizer operationalized their state price transparency reporting process. Efficiency gains that will be covered include effectively managing legislation rules, making data-driven pricing decisions, and autogenerating reports based on state-specific triggering events. Register today.

Operationalize state price transparency processes
Register to attend the State Price Transparency Talks and discover ways to ensure your state price transparency reporting is accurate and delivered on time – even as the regulatory environment continues to evolve.

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