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4 New Ways to Get More From Your Model N Investment

October 12, 2022

A technology is only as good as the people who use it, and solutions addressing complex problems tend to be more intricate. New users can become easily overwhelmed without proper training, which will impact their effectiveness in using the solution. Power users may be too comfortable with the solution and miss critical updates that could have them do more. So how can you be sure you’re getting the most out of your technology?

At Model N, our customers can confidently answer “yes” to this question because, in addition to our award-winning product, they can rely on a broad set of services. Our Expert Services help them adopt and use our applications, streamline business processes, and maximize the value they get from their investment. And our latest offerings – Ngage, Business Services for State Price Transparency Management, System Optimization Assessment Review (SOAR), and Advanced Testing Services (ATS) – will ensure they can focus on what matters most: delivering life-changing products to the world.

1.   Accelerate adoption of Model N

We recognize that mastering Model N’s products can take a while. To accelerate this process, we’ve developed Ngage.

Ngage is an in-app guidance tool that allows embedded customized directions, just-in-time training, and insight into our platforms and applications. This subscription-based service makes Model N products much more accessible and accelerates adoption, especially for remote workers who don’t have the luxury of sitting next to an expert and getting in-person, hands-on training.

Ngage seamlessly integrates into the Model N platform and generates pop-up messages with tips and advice on what to do next during pivotal points within the application. A “STOP” sign with a warning might appear, for instance, before your user makes a critical move within the application that prevents them from making serious errors.

Another great feature of Ngage is its analytics feature that helps managers see how users interact with Model N to identify advice/learning opportunities. If users are struggling at a particular menu or decision point in the app, they can add custom pop-up messaging to better guide them in the future. You can also use the analytics to identify which features users are adopting – or ignoring – and see how they typically navigate through Model N applications. As a result, you can make better, data-informed decisions about further training investments to support adoption and decrease frustration.

2.   Solve the complexity of state price transparency

Over the past few years, 22 states have signed pharmaceutical pricing transparency laws which require pharma manufacturers to follow new compliance and reporting mandates. The goal of the new regulations is to keep drug prices under control. Thus, manufacturers that supply products to any of these states must regularly report on drug prices, especially any increases or other changes.

Unfortunately for manufacturers, these regulations vary from state to state, and they are exceedingly complex – many with multi-page forms to submit – that require pulling data from a broad range of internal systems. Complying with them is time-consuming and arduous, and many pharmaceutical manufacturers, especially smaller ones, don’t have sufficient staff to manage it. As other states continuously add new regulations, and existing regulations can change without notice, the burden of continuous monitoring of all 50 states seems unmanageable.

Model N can support you with Business Services for State Price Transparency. Our team will manage the entire reporting and compliance workflow for you end-to-end, leveraging automation tools and industry expertise. We ensure you stay compliant and avoid the substantially heavy fines levied when a company fails to submit the proper documentation at the right time. Potential penalties can range from $1,000 to $30,000 per day or $200 to $20,000 per violation.

3.   Audit your Model N investments

Companies looking to optimize their Model N utilization may want additional assurance that they’re truly getting the most out of the technology. For those customers, we offer a defined engagement where Model N engineers and technicians analyze the deployment to identify problem areas and create a statement of work (SOW) to execute any improvement. This offering is called System Optimization Assessment Review (SOAR).

SOAR pulls in Model N technical architects, business advisors, and industry experts to collaborate with you on deliverables that will ensure both short- and long-term success in revenue management. By streamlining business processes to maximize revenue, reduce revenue leakage, and remain compliant, SOAR is the way to increase user adoption, capitalize on features and functionality, and adapt processes to changing business needs.

4.   Testing made easy

Maintaining a healthy system is imperative to operational success, but it’s also a heavy lift for your technical teams. Advanced Testing Services (ATS) is a subscription service where our experts and testing technicians take the burden of testing updates and new builds off your shoulders. We manage the entire testing lifecycle, allowing you to stay current on important Model N fixes and updates, so you maintain security while realizing optimal value from your Model N deployment. Included with ATS are the following testing activities:

  • Maintain test scripts
  • Maintain and refresh the cloud test environment
  • Ensure that test cases follow business processes
  • Manage end-to-end testing process
  • Manage and sign off on test cycles

The right service for you

Whether you’re just starting with Model N or have been a customer for a while, you can leverage our services to get technical and functional expertise, advice, and support from the very people who develop and enhance the Model N solutions. Because we know the Model N solution better than anyone, we can help you successfully implement and manage your revenue activities.

Discover all Model N services options to find the right solution for your business needs.

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