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3 Pricing Strategies to Drive More Value and Revenue

January 7, 2020

By Jim Holland, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

In his post How Does High Tech Move from Analyzing Gross-to-Net to Managing It? Chanan Greenberg, shares, “Over the past 18 months, companies in almost every sector of high-tech manufacturing have shifted their systems paradigm and business application investments to enable managing the entire gross-to-net process of pricing and revenue onto a single integrated platform.”

How are high-tech and semiconductor companies driving more value through better pricing?

Pricing expert Mark Stiving of Impact Pricing, sits down with Chanan to discuss the challenges, impact and what companies can do to drive more value. In their discussion, Mark and Chanan cover:

  • The impact of high tech channels and how this affects pricing and value.
  • How price execution plays a significant part in price optimization.
  • Why companies need to ask customers about pricing to legitimize and validate direction.
  • How does clean and well-maintained channel data influence value and channel performance.

To listen to the complete podcast and Chanan’s recommendations, go here. To learn more about Impact Pricing, click this link. To learn more about Model N and its revenue management solutions, go here.

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