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73% of Executives Say Channel Data is Key to Optimizing Sales Profitability

February 9, 2021

By Jim Holland, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

In today’s competitive economy, what can have the greatest impact on high tech and B2B software companies with indirect channels?

Model N commissioned Forrester Consulting to survey 200+ senior leaders responsible for revenue management and channel partners strategies for high tech and B2B software companies. Focusing on revenue execution, the survey results were astonishing. The executives responded, “73% describe improving the accuracy of their channel sales data as important to the success of their organizations’ sales operations and profitability.”


The reports shared, “Clean, enriched, and consolidated channel data provides a vast source of insight for managing channel revenue, uncovering high-value opportunities, and improving the partner experience. Many high tech companies struggle to stitch together a myriad of channel tools and manual processes, resulting in low-quality channel data that fails to provide a clear and timely view of performance.”

If you have inadequate channel sales information or lack the accuracy and quality data to improve your companies revenue execution, read the full Forrester report to learn where you should be focusing. To learn more about how Model N can automate and improve your channel partner’s performance, go here.




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