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How will Post-Pandemic Channel Partner Success Impact High Tech?

by Jim Holland June 8, 2021

It’s been over a year since the worldwide pandemic interrupted and changed lives, work styles, social interaction, and economies. “The technology market and channel were spared much of the pandemic’s impact. Unlike other industries such as retail, hospitality, and food services, IT  – particularly built around services – saw an increase in demand and revenue” shared a recent study from Channelnomics.

While the economic outlook for the technology industry is expected to be better than other industries. According to IDC, the technology market shrank only 0.5% during the pandemic and over the next three years, IT spending will increase from 5.5 to 6.5% annually.

As a channel sales leader, what are your partner’s biggest challenges post-pandemic? Channelnomics Channel Forecast – the 2021 Report shows the biggest concerns include:

Channelnomics, Channel Forecast – the 2021 Report

As a channel chief or channel sales leader, What can you do to support your channel partners for the rest of 2021?

Channelnomics provides more insights and recommendations in Pandemic Recovery: Channel Plans for the Post-Covid Market, a complimentary report. To read the full report, go here. To learn how Model N supports channel sales growth, click here.


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