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Ready to Chat Channel?

by Adam Steele , Model N November 3, 2021

For high-tech manufacturers, the channel accounts for up to 80% of their revenue – and seemingly, an equal number of challenges. According to the executives surveyed for the Model N 2021 State of Revenue Report, 93% face challenges with financial control compliance. More than half struggle with getting accurate partner data and nearly half have difficulties ensuring accurate payments.

And that’s just part of the issue. The types and number of channel partners are increasing, especially as more manufactures begin to transform their business models to capitalize on recurring revenue and new sales approaches.

Model N is here to help. Join us and our channel expert guests from Sonos and Channelnomics for a series of webinars, where we’ll talk all things channel – from management to channel data to rebates. We’ll discuss trends, best practices, and innovative approaches that can help you maximize your channel revenue.

  • Influencing the Evolving Channel | November 16 at 11 a.m. PT
    Discover how you can effectively manage changing business models and ecosystems, while delivering programs that successfully engage partners. Learn strategies for price protection, ship and debit, inventory tracking, global pricing, and more, that’ll accelerate funnel velocity, improve the partner experience, and increase revenue.Register today.
  • Accelerating Channel Revenue and Success with Channel Data | December 1 at 11 a.m. PT
    Dig into the ins and outs of managing channel data and the value it brings. You’ll walk away with key insights on how to drive increased revenue through data collection and management, data matching, and accurate inventory data.Register today.
  • Building Winning Incentive Strategies | December 15 at 11 a.m. PT
    Learn about new strategies for better rebate, incentive, and market development fund (MDF) management. You’ll learn ways to motivate your channel partners and get the desired return for every dollar you are paying out. Register today.

Optimize channel management
Register to attend the Channel Chat webinars and discover ways to improve channel management, channel data, and channel incentives to increase operational efficiency, foster long-term partner engagement, and maximize revenue.

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