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commercial operations

Revolutionize Commercial Operations

by Tracy Mumpower , Director, Model N June 9, 2021

Emerging and midsize pharmaceutical companies face the same challenges as their larger counterparts: finding and retaining qualified, experienced staff and keeping systems in synch with changing industry regulations. But they face the additional hurdle of doing all this with far fewer resources.

To gain a competitive advantage, maximize revenue within commercial contracts, and mitigate risk of noncompliance, these companies are embracing a Business Services operations model. Under this approach, they are able to shift their highly valuable internal resources to more strategic and analytical roles, while improving their overall commercial performance.

By partnering with Model N Business Services, pharma companies can leverage access to industry specialists with deep commercial contracting and operations experiences, process enhancements, and actionable insights – all powered by state-of-the-art technology. Through the combined power of people, process, and technology, these companies are able to:

  • Quickly and confidently respond to market, regulatory, and business changes.
  • Increase accuracy in claims processing, rebate calculations, verifications, and reporting.
  • Extract value and insight from operational data.
  • Avoid having to invest in hiring resources or managing technology.

Integrating a Business Services operations model with your commercial and market access teams drives operational excellence and insights. But what steps should you take to make this transition a smooth one?

Join Model N and FiercePharma on Thursday, July 22 for the webinar, “Revolutionizing Commercial Operations.” During this session, industry expert and director in Model N Business Services, Tracy Mumpower, will cover:

  • Challenges and solutions for operationalizing payer discount and rebate strategies
  • Considerations for implementing a formulary compliance monitoring program
  • How to maximize operational data to support internal reporting and analytics needs

Learn how you can gain the expertise and supporting technologies to maximize product revenue and optimize market functions by taking a Business Services approach. Register for the webinar today.

Revolutionizing Commercial Operations: The Power of People, Process, and Technology
Thursday, July 22, 2021
10 a.m. ET / 7 a.m. PT


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