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Three Guiding Principles for Improving Visibility in the Channel From Forrester Research

by Jim Holland, Senior Product Marketing Manager June 23, 2020

With the challenges of changing global distribution and channels, more high tech and semiconductor companies are seeking new ways to gain visibility into channel partners performance and consistency.

“Channel leaders lament not having better visibility into their reseller businesses, but many are at least partially to blame for their woes. Forcing partners to enter data into multiple systems and executing campaigns differently through distributors exacerbates the visibility problem” shares Forrester Research in a new brief.

Organizations make excuses all the time for why they can’t get a clear line of sight into partner activities. Strip away the nonsense, however, and you’ll usually find two core issues that drive poor channel visibility” continues Forrester.

How can channel and sales leaders gain better and more consistent visibility into their channels?

In this new research, Forrester discuss two root causes, namely:

  • Competitive situations
  • Lack of technology integration

Forrester recommends how these two causes can be addressed in three guiding principles found in Improving Visibility in the Channel.

Model N is glad to partner with Forrester Research to offer you this research at no cost. To access the full research, go here. To learn more how Model N can assist in improving channel partner performance with integrated solutions designed with modern channels in mind, go here.


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