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What Can High Tech Leaders Learn from the 2020 State of Revenue Report

May 4, 2020

By Jim Holland, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Business executives have long managed a wide range of factors in order to maximize revenue growth. Today, in the digital era, the number of factors has increased exponentially, introducing a quantity of data and levels of complexity not seen before.

From findings in a recent survey of 306 C-level executives responsible for revenue management in the high tech, semiconductor, and electronic components manufacturing industries, 98% confided that revenue management has grown increasingly more complex.

To gain insights into these challenges and solutions, join us for an active discussion on how high tech and semiconductor leaders are dealing with revenue and channel management challenges such as:

  • What areas of revenue management are companies trying to improve
  • What role does technology play in revenue growth
  • What best practice and approaches can be used to improve revenue management

Join Chanan Greenberg, SVP and GM High Tech at Model N and  Syed Alam, Managing Director and Senior Partner, Accenture as they present key findings from the 2020 State of Revenue Report and discuss how revenue management challenges are having a serious impact on business success and how companies are responding.


Attendees of this webinar will receive a copy of the 2020 State of Revenue Report and have the opportunity participate in a live Q&A session with panelists. Register now to attend the May 20 session and receive access to the on-demand session post event.

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