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Your Model N Experience Just Got Smarter – Introducing Ngage

by Matt Adlai-Gail, Jennifer Channel March 28, 2022

As high tech and life sciences revenue optimization and compliance become more complex, so does the product knowledge transfer and understanding of users during the adoption of new or updated features or capabilities. 

For many companies, bringing users up to speed means hours of education, availability of resources to train, and continuous explanations to onboard. How many times has your organization heard, “Our training is great, but once users are on the job, it is easy to forget, and bad habits arise. I wish I could appear in the app and stop them!” 

However, this is not the only challenge. What happens with a new system being implemented, your organization goes through a software upgrade/update, new features are turned on or go-live or you bring on new partners or employees? 

How do you navigate the adoption, onboarding, or training more intelligently? 

Many companies are using in-app guidance. In-app guidance is like a GPS you have designed for your users and partners. In-App guidance provides users with interactive prompts and reminders to keep them on track within your product. 

Introducing Model N Ngage 

Ngage is an in-app guidance solution integrated with software to improve customer experience. Ngage enables customers to insert their own intelligent guidance and prompts into Model N products, based on role, task, usage behavior, even poll responses using short, intelligent messages that drive user engagement within your product. This enhances user onboarding, training, and stickiness. Ngage also provides user analytics to target guidance where it is needed most. 

Using Ngage with your Model N solutions, you will be able to: 

  • Contextually engage users at scale 
  • Enhance the user experience with a variety of parameters designed for your company 
  • Better understand and measure user behavior & feedback 
  • Proactively approach to modernizing continuing education 
  • Tailor guidance to your company’s needs 

To learn more about Ngage and how it can improve your Model N solution experience, go here. To speak to an expert about Ngage, click here. 

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