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Fortify Profitability for High-Tech Manufacturers and their Channel Partners

Channel Collaboration offers real-time channel data visibility and empowers high-tech manufacturers with critical decision-making and global compliance.

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Streamline and automate channel data with Model N

IDC reports that $2.9 trillion in global technology spend comes through North America alone, 40% of which is facilitated through indirect channels such as distributors, system integrators, value-added resellers, and service providers.

Automation Meets Customers’ Demand for Data Accuracy

“Channel collaboration software that provides visibility into sales, pricing, and incentives is critical. Manufacturers that embrace real-time channel insights will be at an advantage compared to suppliers who are not as far along in the digital transformation of their revenue operations.”

– Mark Thomason, Research Director, Digital Business Models and Monetization, IDC

Single Source of Truth for Channel Data

Without a single source of truth, high-tech manufacturers and their partners risk lost revenue opportunities and compliance across the channel. Ultimately, the dynamic flow of this data builds trust between manufacturers and partners and helps optimize channel revenue. With access to high-quality and accurate data, high-tech manufacturers have real-time information about performance by channel, product, and geography, which helps identify gray market activity and new routes to market.

  • Channel Collaboration solves this problem with a central repository for all channel data, allowing manufacturers and channel partners to focus on meeting customers’ needs, while enabling channel partners to easily upload, edit, report, and alert on channel data.
  • Channel Collaboration enhances operational excellence and streamlines collaboration across the channel ecosystem.
  • Use Channel Collaboration to seamlessly collect, standardize, enrich and derive insights from your channel partner data.

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Turn channel collaboration into a competitive advantage

Ready to fortify profitability for high-tech manufacturers and their channel partners?


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