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2024 Pharma Predictions

by Jesse Mendelsohn, Senior Vice President, Model N February 16, 2024

Pharma companies will lose sleep over the IRA

The Inflation Reduction Act will keep pharmaceutical company leaders up at night in 2024. Medicare drug price negotiation will impact more than just the 10 drugs on the current negotiation list by creating competition in those therapeutic categories and could force price adjustments, including higher commercial drug prices. Pharmaceutical manufacturers must navigate this complex market to maintain revenue for research and development of new medications.

AI will supercharge miracle drug development

In the next few years, we will see a surge in highly effective, multipurpose drugs. Pharmaceutical companies will leverage AI to supercharge drug design with greater precision, specificity, and speed, resulting in more effective treatments with fewer side effects. Very soon, more new medications will move from treating the symptoms to fixing the root problem.

This article was originally published on
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