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Creating a Security-Minded Culture

by Chirag Shah, Global Information Security Officer and Data Privacy Officer , Model N May 22, 2024

In this podcast, I enjoyed talking with Chirag Shah, Model N’s Global Information Security Officer and Data Privacy Officer, about creating a security-minded culture. Infusing a security culture within organizations starts with leadership buy-in and support. Chirag highlighted the need for interactive and engaging training programs tailored to specific departments, involving real-world examples and practical scenarios. He stressed the significance of fostering a security mindset among employees through daily reminders and reinforcement and leveraging free or low-cost resources to implement effective security awareness programs. Chirag also emphasized the need for a strategic approach to security and a security-minded culture where employees are empowered and responsible for maintaining a strong security posture.

Action Items

Develop an interactive that delivers bite-sized security awareness content, quizzes, and scores performance.

Organize escape room and security hackathon events as hands-on learning initiatives.

Contextualize training for specific employee roles and responsibilities.

Incorporate security into employees’ goals and recognize adherence to policies.

Lead by example and make security part of a company’s vision and operations

This article was originally published on Cybersecurity Readiness Podcast.

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