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Skills And Specialties Every Budding Tech Professional Should Master

July 19, 2024

With technology playing an ever-growing part in how businesses manage internal operations, serve customers, market their products and more, choosing a career in technology is a wise investment in your future, as you’ll likely be eligible to step into a variety of industries and roles—if you focus on the right skills and specialties. In addition to the “hot” tech trends and topics that dominate the headlines, savvy budding tech professionals would be wise to get a thorough grounding in multiple skills and specialties.

Technology changes constantly and it’s important to keep up, but there are also some traits and abilities that will always help you get ahead in a competitive job market. Here, members of Forbes Technology Council discuss some skills and specialties all tech professionals should focus on acquiring and why organizations will value—or always have valued—them so highly.

1. Soft Skills

Focus on soft skills. Soft skills are as important as technical skills for every professional. For example, effective communication is crucial. If you don’t know how to communicate well with your co-workers or your team, it will be difficult to achieve shared goals and succeed in collaborative projects. – Jose Giammattei, Applaudo

2. Artificial Intelligence

The future of the technology sector lies in artificial intelligence, which will be integrated into all aspects of product development, operations and client acquisition. Every tech professional should invest in understanding the essence of AI, how it works, how to use it and the associated risks. – Artin Bogdanov, Walmart

3. Adaptability; Continuous Learning

Topics I recommend every tech professional explore are adaptability and continuous learning. The rapid evolution of technology, especially AI, means that the shape of jobs and required skills will constantly change. Developing a mindset geared toward adaptability and a high rate of learning will ensure you can keep up with new tools, methodologies and industry shifts. – Shivani Modi, Konko AI

4. Cybersecurity

I recommend every tech professional learn cybersecurity. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberthreats, understanding cybersecurity is crucial. It ensures you can protect data, maintain privacy and secure systems against attacks. This knowledge is vital across all tech roles and industries, making it a highly relevant and valuable skill for the future. – Ben Gebremeskel, TeckPath

5. Domain-Specific Fundamentals

As a tech professional, mastering essential skills is crucial. Some of the most basic and important technology skills are domain-specific fundamentals. These may include cloud computing, data analysis, and artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as fundamentals related to product and application development, such as effective product management, cybersecurity and management soft skills. – Chirag Shah, Model N, Inc.

6. Creative Thinking

Creative thinking skills will become increasingly important for tech professionals as our reliance on AI-powered tools grows. The evolution of technological capabilities requires the engagement of uniquely human capabilities that help us solve complex problems and develop innovative responses to new challenges. – Merav Yuravlivker, Data Society

7. A Customer-Centric UX

I would recommend focusing on the user experience and approaching it from a customer-centric point of view. B2B and B2C experience expectations are converging. B2B buyer journeys are beginning to look quite similar to those of B2C consumers—B2B buyers expect you to know what they want, provide them with an exceptional experience and deliver more than just supplier value. – Andrew Kucheriavy, Intechnic

8. AI As A ‘Sidekick’

Understanding how AI works is crucial for every tech professional. Leveraging AI as a “sidekick” can help you stay up to speed on industry trends and continue learning. It enhances problem-solving skills and opens up innovative possibilities, keeping your skill set relevant. – Rachel Lyubovitzky, Setuply, Inc.

9. Curiosity

Curious people read a lot, have multiple interests and tend to keep an open, growth-oriented mind. We’re at a point in time where the rate of change is so fast that many of the skills and knowledge one has are becoming outdated by the hour. So cultivating flexibility, adaptability and a “constant improvement” mindset is paramount. And these traits stem from curiosity. – Boyan Ivanov, StorPool Storage

10. Agility

The most important skill in tech is agility—being open to new ideas and trends, constantly learning, and embracing AI. Staying relevant requires data science and analytics expertise to extract insights from the massive amounts of data we’re generating across industries. A tech professional with a blend of cutting-edge skills and a growth mindset will be well-positioned for the future. – Shaveer Mirpuri, Insite AI

11. Public Speaking

Perhaps the greatest differentiator a tech professional can have is being an effective public speaker. The ability to present insights to an audience in a compelling and memorable way makes a tech professional stand apart from their peers. Perhaps more than any other single skill, it allows the professional’s knowledge to drive people to take action and effect change. – Zach Fuller, Silent Sector

12. Automation

Tech pros can enhance their relevancy by embracing automation. This is a cultural shift; forward-looking IT pros must operate differently than they have before. The goal is to automate decades-old, well-understood tasks that consume a huge portion of operational overhead. IT pros must think of automation first, not look at it as an exotic technology for limited edge cases. – Song Pang, NetBrain Technologies

13. Communicating With Varying Audiences

Learn how to present to and communicate with various groups, not just members of technical teams. You must be able to present your ideas so your audience can understand what you are trying to say. The best engineers are the ones who can communicate with clients, business leaders and technical teams (at all levels). – Wesley Crook, FP Complete

14. Prompt Writing For GenAI

Generative AI has revolutionized research, and being able to craft a nuanced and thoughtful prompt will become an increasingly important skill as GenAI tools continue to progress. The better the prompt, the better the output. Including contextualizing details, relevant background information and careful questions improves research efficiency, uncovers deeper insights and drives innovation. – Todd Fisher, CallTrackingMetrics

15. Principles Of Core Business Functions

Tech leaders often focus on innovation, but it’s crucial that innovation aligns with business goals. Understanding the core principles of marketing, finance and operations equips them to explain technology outcomes in business terms and view problems from different perspectives, ensuring true business value realization. – Amit Singh, Deloitte Consulting LLP

16. Data Analytics

I’d recommend every tech professional learn about data science and analytics. With the exponential growth of data, proficiency in data analysis and interpretation is invaluable for driving informed decision-making and uncovering insights to drive innovation. This skill set is highly sought after across industries and is essential for staying relevant in today’s data-driven world. – Mohit Gupta, Damco Solutions

17. Critical Thinking

The technology workers of tomorrow must blend futuristic visioning with skepticism to balance AI’s great potential with its hype and the impact of potential bad actors. Therefore, critical thinking is the most important skill in an AI-powered world. It involves not just understanding and using technology, but also questioning its implications, assessing its impacts and ensuring its ethical application. – Joseph Ours, Centric Consulting

18. Cloud Computing

I recommend every tech professional learn about cloud computing. As more organizations migrate to cloud-based solutions, understanding cloud architecture, services and best practices is crucial. This knowledge enables tech professionals to design scalable, efficient and cost-effective systems, ensuring they remain competitive and versatile in the evolving tech landscape. – Vamsi Krishna Dhakshinadhi, GrabAgile Inc.

19. Change Management

Looking back on the last 10 to 15 years, it’s remarkable how much the change we’ve seen—economic, social and technological—is directly impacting organizations, their employees and their customers. Understanding and leading through the disruptive nature of change and being able to identify opportunities for transformation are critical to the growth of any professional, especially those who want to lead. – Ed Jennings, Quickbase

20. Quantum Computing And Quantum AI

I believe it’s important for tech professionals to learn about quantum computing and quantum AI. These technologies will revolutionize many industries and provide a significant advantage in the tech world by performing complex tasks faster and opening up new possibilities in data analysis, machine learning and optimization. – Sarah Choudhary, Ice innovations

This article was originally published on Forbes.

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